Edward van de Vendel


Two times nominated in Italy

Last week during the children's book fair in Bologna the nominations for two important children's book awards were announced. And this is so awesome: Misha (the Italian translation of Misjka, by Anoush Elman, Annet Schaap and mij, translated by Laura Pignatti and published at Sinnos) is on both lists.

First the shortlists for the Premio Andersen were announced. Misha is one of three books that are contenders in the 6-9 category, alongside books by Phoebe Wahl and Jon Klassen. We''ll know the winner on May 25th.

We also heard the titles for the longlists of the Premio Strega Ragazze e Ragazzi. Misha is on the 8+ longlist, together with six other books. In the 11+ category my friend and colleague Anna Woltz is nominated. The shortlists and the winners will be announced later.